Agriculture is the main economic activity of most African countries
Agriculture is the main economic activity of most African countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is seen as the “last frontier” in global food and agricultural
SHAPE (Shifting Hope, Activating Potential Entrepreneurship) is a progressive movement supported by that draws on current societal technologies. SHAPE was founded in 2013 by Dr Thea van der Westhuizen – an academic staff member from UKZN School of Management, information Studies and Governance. Is include several undergraduate and post graduate research projects, courses and community projects.
With involvement spanning three of the four Colleges at UKZN with partcipation from academics in the School of MITG, the School of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the School of Education the cross- disciplinary collaboration works to strengthen the role of universities within entrepreneurial ecosystems as well as empowering, capacitating and strengthening the employability skills of young individuals.
The British Council Innovation for African Universities Programme launched the largest entrepreneurial ecosystemic initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa ever to be implemented within this region. IAU is a learning and collaboration platform which brings together Higher Education Institutions in the UK and SSA to engage, interact and learn from one another, with the aim of developing mutually beneficial partnerships that strengthen the capacity and capability of Higher Education systems in both locations. The South Africa partnership network is made up of a total of 36 partners representing 9 projects that include 9 South African public universities. A Centre of Excellence comprising tripartite partners, City University of London, University of Nairobi, and the Change School provides support to the network. This includes building an international community, promoting the exchange of knowledge, and building institutional capability.
National Research Foundation – The Thuthuka Programme falls within the Human and Infrastructure Capacity Development (HICD) Directorate of the NRF. The goal of the HICD Directorate is to develop institutional research capabilities and infrastructure in parallel with human capital to drive the research and development strategies with the National System of Innovation.
University of KwaZulu- Natal Teaching and Learning Office – is to provide leadership in all areas of teaching and learning and institutional research to realise the University’s vision, mission and strategic plan with regard to teaching and learning. In fulfilling its mandate, the UTLO seeks to collaborate with academics, researchers and students to create supportive, adaptable and innovative learning environments in which outstanding teaching at all levels is nurtured, recognized and rewarded.
University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Management, Information Technology and Governance – is based on the Pietermaritzburg and Westville campuses. The School offer wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Disciplines of Marketing; Management and Entrepreneurship; Human Resources and Labour Relations; Supply Chain Management; Information Systems and Technology and Public Governance.
University of KwaZulu- Natal Teaching and Learning Office – is to provide leadership in all areas of teaching and learning and institutional research to realise the University’s vision, mission and strategic plan with regard to teaching and learning. In fulfilling its mandate, the UTLO seeks to collaborate with academics, researchers and students to create supportive, adaptable and innovative learning environments in which outstanding teaching at all levels is nurtured, recognized and rewarded.
University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Management, Information Technology and Governance – is based on the Pietermaritzburg and Westville campuses. The School offer wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Disciplines of Marketing; Management and Entrepreneurship; Human Resources and Labour Relations; Supply Chain Management; Information Systems and Technology and Public Governance.
Agriculture is the main economic activity of most African countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is seen as the “last frontier” in global food and agricultural
Awesome and productive week welcoming the Swansea University delegation to University of KwaZulu-Natal as part of the Innovation for African Universities initiative
SHAPE Agri-entrepreneurship Systemic Action Learning and Action Research (SALAR) initiative for social innovation According to United Nations, 60% of the jobless population
The British Council Innovation for African Universities Programme launched the largest entrepreneurial ecosystemic initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa ever to be implemented within
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