Nyakana Sinazo

1. GETTING INTO SHAPE”I’M IN!” I was filled with great pride when I announced to my family and friends that I had been accepted into the SHAPE program. In all honesty, at the time of acceptance, I did not really know what my acceptance entailed. A few weeks later into the program, I now have […]

Nkosi Hlankeza

1.GETTING INTO SHAPEI have always wanted to be successful, my biggest inspiration being my father. He left his career of being a teacher and took a risk to start up his own business. I just did not know how to do it – to be successful that is, I always thought that I first had […]

Ngwenya Teddy

1. GETTING INTO SHAPEAs an entrepreneur, you have to face a lot of uncertainty. It’s not like most jobs where your tasks or projects are given to you and you just do them. As an entrepreneur, you first have to decide what the projects are. You have to think about product development, marketing, accounting etc. […]

Ngunze Okuhle

1. GETTING INTO SHAPEWow, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I knew that I was one BIG step closer to seeing my dream of becoming an entrepreneur come to life. The next step after receiving the scholarship was telling my entire family the good news then getting ready to be fully […]