Well SHAPE, when i first heard about it around campus i was intrigued so to say. The posters were everywhere and i attended the first meeting. Thea sold herself well i was convinced. Funny enough the online application was setup with wordpress and i just so happen to have a blog with wordpress. We have only had a few sessions together with the group but it has opened me up to a lot of things. Many great business ideas have started flooded my mind not to mention the professional friendships I have formed. It is rare as a student to engage in deep discussions about business orientated matters. We often bond over a chat of the weekend’s game or other teen related matters. It seems like a coincident that SHAPE came along at the stage of my life where I am on a journey to self-discovery. At this point I am diving head-first into any path that seems fruitful to my well being and happiness. The meetings every Wednesday have also thought me commitment. So besides exposure into the business world, SHAPE has also contributed a bit to my personal growth.
When i first started at UKZN I was driven by different forces and was power hungry. I was ready to penetrate the business world with an iron fist. I was racing against myself with impossible deadlines. I had a fear of being left behind by the world. Being rich was the main objective no matter what the cost was. I never thought beyond other basic human needs like happiness, proper health. On our first day Thea made us do a kind of self valuation exercise. One question that stood out for me was “Am i willing to sacrifice my whole life and dedicate it to my business. Will I let go of late nights with friends, going out with my girlfriend for days and nights at the office desk?” I took some thinking and i realized that i would be driving myself down a path of misery. Money won’t necessarily give me the pleasures that i would have given up a few years ago. My life cannot be ruled by one force or factor. Only God has that ability over one’s life. My love for business is really deep and so is my love for life. The only way for me to achieve both things is forming business partnerships and friendships. Not to let greed get the better of me in any way. When the responsibilities have been split it will allow me more time to spend on pursuing other life missions I have.